Tashkent has been given the World Alliance of International Financial Centers’ “observer” status

On the initiative of the Strategic Reforms Agency (SRA) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the issue of Tashkent’s participation as an international financial center in the activities of WAIFC and obtaining Tashkent status as “observer” WAIFC was raised at the most recent Board of Directors meeting of the World Alliance of International…

Tashkent received the designation of “Associated International Financial Center” of the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI)

Tashkent is listed as an Associated International Financial Center in the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI) by the Z/Yen International Analytical Center (Great Britain). For information, the GFCI rating currently evaluates 128 international financial centers from across the world for their competitiveness. In order to compile the GFCI 32 rating, more than 11,000 financial market…