Mandeep Kaur Bains
Consultant on strategy and economic reforms
Main tasks
- Analysis of gaps in economic development, improvement of the business climate, effective public administration, and international cooperation
- Participation in the development of a roadmap of measures aimed at stimulating economic development, improving the efficiency of public administration, and international cooperation
- Assistance and advice on the implementation of the strategy and program of economic reforms
- Participation in the analysis and development of proposals for economic reforms
- Review and preparation of summary reports on proposed economic reforms included and related to the roadmap, as well as providing comments on draft documents
- Support for the development and implementation of key economic strategies, goals, and objectives by the roadmap
- Holding consultations with key national and international partners to form coalitions and partnerships, as necessary, for the successful development and implementation of economic reform policies and strategies
- Assisting in the selection of international experts, providing advice and recommendations on specific topics related to economic reforms, as well as supervising and advising on their work to achieve the goals of the roadmap

Jonathan Slater
Consultant on public administration and administrative reform
Main tasks
- Assistance and advice on improving the quality of public administration, performance discipline, and organizational potential of public sector organizations
- Analysis and development of proposals to simplify state, interdepartmental and intradepartmental procedures
- Conducting an assessment of the capabilities of ministries and departments of the Central Government
- Development of proposals and participation in the creation of a results management group in the Strategic Development Agency
- Participation in the development of a program to improve the capacity and qualifications of management personnel
- Participation in the revision of the draft Law “On Public Service” for a clear definition of the rights and duties of civil servants
- Assisting in the selection of international experts, providing advice and recommendations on specific topics related to economic reforms, as well as supervising and advising on their work to achieve the goals of the roadmap

Marie-Anne Birkin
Legal consultant
Main tasks
- Advising and preparing the basis for the establishment of general English law jurisdiction in Uzbekistan, including by:
- preparation of a policy document detailing how to implement a system of laws, regulations, and dispute resolution of English law for international investment and finance in Uzbekistan that complies with the legal system of Uzbekistan
- Preparation of an information document explaining the objectives of the introduction of the common law legal system and the benefits associated with it, the interaction between the common law system and the existing legal system of Uzbekistan for local and international investors, and the main steps for implementation, the consequences for local and international business and investment, as well as the desire to solve potential problems and misunderstandings
- Preparation of a “Roadmap”, which should include the proposed process of phased implementation, review and development/revision of legislation and regulations, as well as the resources necessary for the implementation
- Consultations with key actors in the government of Uzbekistan, as well as with other key stakeholders, for example, in the business and legal community
- To review the mandates, capacities, and powers of the Anti-Corruption Agency, as well as to develop recommendations for improving its effectiveness based on the experience of other developing countries
- Advising on the creation (structure, staffing, and working methods) of the proposed legal department in the new Strategic Development Agency and mentoring senior staff in this team
Advising on effective governance and public administration reform, in particular on governance and the process of approving new laws and legislative changes - Advise the Minister of Justice on strengthening and optimizing the functions and capabilities of the Ministry of Justice

Jonathan Charles
Consultant for administrative and government control reforms
Main tasks
- Preparation of the implementation plan according to the form and content of the inviting party
Organizational support and advice on the implementation of the internal communications and international branding direction:
control over the preparation of analysis on certain topics of internal communication and international branding, as necessary, as a basis for advising the Government of Uzbekistan on the development and implementation of internal communication and international branding;
preparation of brief overview reports on internal communications and international branding within the framework of the Roadmap;
consultations with high-ranking officials to support the development and implementation of key goals and objectives of internal communication and international branding by the Roadmap;
consultations with key national and international partners to form coalitions and partnerships for the successful development and implementation of policies and strategies in the field of internal communication and international branding;
support for the selection of international experts providing advice and recommendations on specific specialists on the topics of internal communication and international branding, as well as coordination and/or advice on their work in terms of achieving the established goals of the Roadmap;
together with the Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Director-General of the Reform unit, oversees and directs the work of a national expert dealing with internal communications and international branding