Employees of the Agency for Strategic Reforms conducted field visits to analyze the local situation in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region and organized discussions with citizens on issues of concern and explored possibilities for resolving them.
In particular, the situation with the sale of tickets at the central railway ticket offices in Tashkent and the opinions of passengers on prices were studied. Passengers noted that despite the increase in ticket prices by an average of 20 percent, the quality of service in the carriages remained unchanged.
Also, the problem of a shortage of tickets and limited transportation of students by rail during the winter holidays was considered. It is worth noting that Uzbekistan Temir Yollari JSC has taken the necessary steps, including adding additional carriages to existing trains, organizing additional traffic and establishing a separate ticket office for traveling in reserved seat carriages.
A separate assessment of the effectiveness of online ticket sales mechanisms was carried out. It was revealed that in the period from December 11, 2023 to January 5 of this year, students purchased more than 26 thousand tickets with a 50 percent discount, about 18 thousand of which were purchased online. Currently, more than 55% of railway tickets on all local routes are sold through the electronic sales system, and the problem of ticket shortages is gradually being resolved through transparency and the provision of additional seats for transportation.
Particular attention was paid to improving the quality of services provided in connection with a significant increase in prices for railway tickets. A number of measures have been outlined that will help improve the quality of service for passengers both in the process of purchasing tickets and in the process of being on the territory of stations and inside trains, including the study of individual preferences of passengers.
In connection with individual complaints from citizens in the field of banking services to the population, Agency employees held a meeting with the head of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank for the city of Tashkent Sh. Khodzhizadayev and his deputy D. Ismatov, during which issues of the quality and volume of online services to the population, further digitalization of banking services were studied services, the list of the most popular areas for providing banking services to the population has been clarified, taking into account non-return risk indicators. Retail operations that require maximum concentration of attention and resources in the daily service of citizens are highlighted.
Attention was also paid to increasing the export potential of enterprises in certain industries, in particular in the silk industry. The discussion was attended by the head of the department of investment and industry of the Uzbekipaksanoat association I. Saifullaev, the director of Agropilla LLC (Tashkent region) A. Boykabilov, the head of Tashkent Silk pro LLC (Buka, Tashkent region) A. Urokov. A number of innovations in stimulating the population in caring for silkworms, developing the food supply of silkworms, producing high-quality raw materials and increasing processing volumes.
The issues of increasing the organized recruitment of citizens to work abroad have also been studied. Meetings were held with responsible organizations, an analysis of local conditions was carried out, and the opinions of citizens potentially interested in working abroad were identified. It is noted that currently it is quite difficult to recruit candidates for work abroad who have the required level of knowledge of foreign languages and professional skills, taking into account the requirements of employers. This makes it difficult to fill a significant proportion of the vacancies offered abroad.
In this regard, it is proposed to introduce an integrated approach in this direction: a) prompt filling of vacancies that require a quick search for highly qualified candidates, carried out within a short period, which implies a search for candidates with appropriate professional qualifications and the required level of foreign language proficiency that meets the needs of the employer; b) identification and compilation of a database of citizens seeking to work abroad, but who do not have the necessary qualifications and language skills. They will be treated as individual workers within the Mahalla system, and will be involved in courses and training in accordance with the requirements of employers.
In addition, work was carried out to study the taxation of entrepreneurship, investment flow, digitalization, green economy, systemic problems in light industry enterprises, increasing the flow of tourists, notarial activities, digitalization of public services and learning problems in preschool educational institutions. Information on appropriate steps in these directions will be published after discussion with experts.