Agency employees together with members of the project team conducted a SWOT analysis of the districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. This work is based on the analysis of statistical data and field meetings with the business community of the districts.
The analysis identified strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and risks in each area. At the same time, on the basis of the collected statistical data, a rating of investment potential of districts was calculated, which allowed to assess the level of attractiveness of each district, as well as to develop project proposals to mitigate the identified threats and risks.
The investment potential rating is calculated according to the following indicators:
- Economically active population
- Unemployment
- Labor productivity by industry
- Average monthly salary and other
Free Irrigation Land
Free Land for Industry
Availability of major natural resources and minerals
- Investments in fixed capital
- Total amount of deposits/credits
- Regional budget deficit
- Arrears on taxes, fees, other obligatory payments, and other
- Number of innovation and research centers
- Number of researchers in research centers and universities
- The share of research and development costs in the total GRP
- The share of IT specialists in the total number of the economically active population of the region and others
- Trade and logistics potential
- Mobile communication / Internet
- Municipal facilities
- Vacant land plots in FEZ/MPZ(inventories), and others
- The share of small entrepreneurship (business) in the economy
- Foreign trade deficit
- Import/export potential and other
As a result of settlements, Nukus, Kungrad district, Takhiatash district, Nukus district and Turtkul district were among the most investment-attractive.
Based on the results of the calculation of the investment rating and SWOT analysis of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, SDA specialists worked out proposals for the development of promising areas of sectoral development of the districts of the region.